150 Argumentative Speech Topics

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Argumentative speech topics how to guide and a list of more than 150 public speaking speech topics for an argument presentation. Learn how to develop strong convincing points and to persuade the opposition. Before you scan the list of argument speech topics, I will describe the basics for this kind of public speaking. They regard debate topics for speech class as well as argumentation speeches for every other speech writing ocassion.

An argumentation speech is a form of persuasive public speaking.
The speaker presents a personal opinion, judgment or idea about a controversial and current issue, problem, value or dispute in a way that the opinion of the audience will change in favor of his / her side.
Argumentative speech ideas are controversial and refer to current political, social, business, religious issues, disputes, policies and values.
A few argumentative speech topics examples to start with:

Reduce tuition for those students who maintained an A average during the previous year.
Sale of cigarettes must be outlawed for the public health.
Women in The Military
There is no reason why women can't fill all jobs in the military to include combat.

Classic Appeals In An Argumentative Speech

Argument speech topics are characterized by the classic appeals to logos, pathos and ethos in the pro and contra arguments.
Prove that we need a change in thinking, beliefs and behavior by appealing to reason and the rational intellect. Find common ground between you and your audience. Give some background they may need to fully understand the argumentative speech topic and your arguments. State your point of view. That's an effective way to create credibility and to persuade that you are reasonable.
Anticipate and accommodate the ethical, religious, social, or political beliefs and feelings of your listeners. Appeal to emotion, to their passions and deeply held values. Be passionate, but don't overdo your argumentation.
Appeal to character, the sense of right and wrong, sense of justice and fair play of your audience. Persuade the listener to identify himself with these traits and acknowledge that this is exactly how he feels.
Mix these pure rhetorical public speaking appeals in your speech topics.
Scan my list of examples of argumentative speech topics. Of course they have to be narrowed, but first pick out the issues of your concern. Or modify the argumentation topics of the list till they match your interests and concerns.
Consider it just as a start, of course this list is not exhaustive. These are not my personal opinions, they are just examples!
  • Which are the argumentative speech topics you have some knowledge about?
  • Which argument speech topics you think are important for public discussion?
Academic Dishonesty
Academic Freedom
Acid Rain
Affirmative Action
Africa Aid
Age Discrimination
Aging Population
Agriculture Technology
AIDS/HIV testing
Alcohol Abuse
Animal Abuse
Animal Experimentation
Animal Rights
Animal Welfare
Arms Sales
Artificial Intelligence
Bilingual Education
Biological And Chemical Weapons
Biomedical Ethics
Birth Control
Breast Feeding in Public

Cameras in Courtrooms
Campaign Financing
Capital Punishment
Chat Rooms
Child Abuse
Child Labor
City Curfews
Civil Liberties
Civil Rights
Condoms In Schools
Conserving The Environment
Consumer Protection

Debtor Nations
Domestic Violence
Drug Trafficking
Drugs and Sports
Drunk Driving

Electoral System
Endangered Oceans
Endangered Species
Energy Alternatives
Environmental Crises
Ethnic Violence

Family Planning
Family Violence
Famine Relief Efforts
Fat Tax On Food
Fathers'/Mothers' Rights In Divorce
Federal Deficit
Food Borne Illnesses
Food Safety
Foreign Oil Dependence
Foreign Policy
Free Enterprise System
Free Speech
Garbage And Waste
Gay Marriages
Gene Testing
Genetic Engineering
Global Resources
Global Warming
Government Deregulation
Gun Control

Hate Crime Argumentative Speech Topics
Health Care System
Home Schooling
Homeland Security
Human Cloning
Human Rights

Illegal Immigration
Inner-City Poverty
Intellectual Property
Islamic Fundamentalism

Learning Disabilities
Legal System
Legalization Of Drugs
Living Wills

Massmedia Regulation
Media Violence
Medical Ethics
Methadon Treatment
Middle East Peace Process
Military Argumentative Speech Topics
Moral Decisions
National drinkingage
National Health Insurance
National Security
North Korea
Older Citizens
Organ Donation
Organ Transplants
Organized Crime

Peer Pressure
Prison Reform
Property Rights

Reproductive Technologies
Right To Strike

School Violence
Sex Education
Single Parent FamiliesSlavery
Social Justice
Social Welfare
Space Exploration
Supremist Groups
Surrogate Motherhood

Territorial Disputes

Victims' Rights
Video Games
Violence and Abuse
Voting Behavior

War Crimes
War On Drugs
Water Resources
Welfare Reform
Women Drivers
Working Women

Specific Aspects Of Your Argumentative Speech Topics

Find narrower aspects and specific controversies within your argumentative topics. Make an inventory of facts, controversies, questions, issues, opinions, judgments and ideas, problems, causes, effects and solutions related to ethical and moral thinking or behavior. For example think about the arguments or disagreements you have with people or institutions about the topic. Ask yourself:
  • What are my concerns, attitudes, beliefs, and values?
  • What are my principles that shape my attitudes and beliefs in relation to the speech topic?
  • Why do I think this argumentative speech topic is very important for public discussion?
  • What argumentative speech ideas are appropriate to the ocassion and to the audience?

The Argumentative Speech Topics Assignment

Study the rules and the do's and don'ts of the occassion very carefully. These are possible checks:
  • A debate?
  • An argumentative speech assignment for college?
  • Or you need debate topics for speech class?
  • Where, when and how long do I have to speak?
  • Is there an opponent speaker? Who is it?

Who Are Your Listeners?

Know who your listeners are. Keep their interests and attitude in mind. Because some listeners already are on your side, others will agree with your contentious speech, and sometimes there are people who will not share you opinions. Ask yourself:
  • Who are they?
  • Collegues?
  • Classmates?
  • A debating society?
  • Community members or complete strangers?
  • What are their needs and interests?

State An Argumentative Speech Topic Proposition

You need a clear proposition to state the topic and purpose of your argumentative speech topics. Write down just one major idea, in one single sentence. That declarative statement, claim, or assumption has to summarize the importance of your idea and fit with your interests and the needs and wishes of your audience. Use a positively and often forcefully tone. So, to put it shortly:
  • What is it that you want your audience to reconsider or agree with?
  • What do my listeners must remember?

How To Develop Arguments

Develop convincing and reasoned arguments that address the proposition and that prove your proposition. Prove that you are right in your ideas about the topic.
  • Offer appropriate background facts and figures, and give new information. Just consider yourself as the likeable who will show The Way.
  • Construct fair, informed, and credible arguments, which are sustained by evidence and reasonable thoughts.

Deal With Opposing Arguments

Defend yourself against the main oppositional arguments when you prepare your argumentative speech topics. If the majority of your listeners is against you, then be extra careful how you deal with the opposing arguments. Don't enhance their animosity, don't step on toes! Get your audience to admit your argumentative speech has a point. Here's how:
  • List and explore the opposing arguments well-mannered, polite, full of understanding.
  • Give much details in a way the oppositional listeners acknowledge their side of the question.
  • Admit you understand the main opposing arguments and why.
  • Then show delicately how your view is more reasonable, why it is the right one.

Final Tips For Argumentative Speech Topics

By now you've learned how to choose, narrow the focus, develop arguments, and deal with the opposition for this kind of speech writing. Consider my writing tips while you're developing argumentative speech topics:
  • Use relevant transition words and phrases. Let your arguments flow smoothly.
  • Present and analyze opposing views first.
  • Than introduce and advocate the arguments of your argumentative speech topics.

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